Saturday Morning Spring Holiday Spiritual Service
Sat, Apr 03
|Online Event
Please join us for a morning of inspiration, music, mediumship, and healing. Come feel the Love of Spirit!

Time & Location
Apr 03, 2021, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PDT
Online Event
About the Event
This upcoming service will include an inspirational speaker, messages from our loved ones in spirit through our spiritual mediums, group healing/meditation, and live music. Please pre-register for this event. The zoom link and password will be provided in your confirmation email after registering.
This Spring Holiday Service has a unique registration fee of $20, as it is longer in length than our usual services, and a significant portion of the proceeds will be benefitting TEMA (Save a Massai Girl). TEMA rescues girls from early marriage and female genital mutilation, still practiced in some areas, and provides sensitization training to educated families where this is still practiced. TEMA provides shelter, food, and education for the girls; boys also in need benefit from food and schooling through TEMA as well.
Starts promptly at 10:30 AM PST, please join zoom link a few minutes early.
Host/Medium: Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose is the creator, organizer, and host of Saturday Night Spiritual Service. She serves both the spirit world and our physical world as an evidential psychic medium, spiritual healer, speaker, and spiritual teacher. She loves working with the spirit world and sharing their message that life is eternal. The love, hope, and healing that is given and received is truly a gift and she feels honored to be doing this sacred work. Her spiritual teaching specializes in spiritual awakening, empathic empowerment, intuition and mediumistic development. She works one-on-one with clients as well as offering group instruction.
Guest Speaker: Raveina Rowan
"Rebirth as a Sacred Responsibility"
We often think of the rebirth process as something personal and private. Personal transformation can often be a difficult experience that challenges us in ways we don't necessary want to be challenged. And consequently, avoidance and suppression often become coping mechanisms for us to alleviate the discomfort. And while all of this is an intimate experience with the Self, it is only one part of the rebirthing experience. In this talk, Raveina will be speaking on •rebirth as both personal transformation and sacred responsibility •ways to orient to rebirth, so that it is less painful and scary •tools to cultivate greater confidence and resiliency
Raveina Rowan has been an intuitive mindset coach and healer for over 25 years. She has studied and practiced numerous spiritual traditions, including receiving initiations as a 4th level priestess (Kurak Aqullek) in the Paqo Kuna tradition of Peru, in Vajarayana Buddhism (Nyingma tradition), and as a yogini in the Kaula and Shakta Tantra streams, specifically the Sri Vidya lineage.
Having lived through numerous personal traumas (including the early and sudden death of her husband) and having worked with varying demographics over the years, her expertise focuses largely on mentoring women in transforming their pain into soul-driven lives of beauty, power, and impact via 1:1 and group coaching, healing sessions, and leading the Soul-Driven Women Association.
A busy mom of two teenagers, a philanthropist, a social activist, a devoted spiritual practitioner, and an avid book and tree lover, it is her great delight to support the unfolding of each person’s unique contribution to the world. It is her firm belief that when we touch our ground of being, we remember our interconnection, and from there, we can create a life where all beings may be happy and free.
Spiritual Mediums: Mary Ellen and Alice Trevorrow
Mary Ellen:
Mary Ellen: From a young age, Mary Ellen has been able to tap into her psychic and mediumship awareness, even before she understood her capabilities. As she’s developed into a professional medium over several years under the direction of Micheal Mayo, Gordon Smith and Eileen Davies; including numerous visits to Arthur Findlay College in London - Mary Ellen has advanced into a straight forward, evidential medium delivering messages with compassion and accuracy while upholding the authenticity and integrity of the spirit world. Mary Ellen also helps to identify and mentor those who are called upon by spirit to develop their sacred and spiritual gift. Her greatest mission is to heal and help those in seek of guidance and truth from the world unseen using their own abilities or through her healing spiritual gifts.
Tiktok: @mediummaryellen
Alice Trevorrow:
Alice Trevorrow is spiritual medium, healer and teacher joining us from Scotland, UK. As a young child Alice inherited this gift from her grandmother Alice who was also a spiritual medium. Alice does however believe this is a gift inherited to us all, from birth, it may not be recognized at first, or maybe developed at a later stage of life due to our own path of life.
Alice previously worked as a Registered Nurse and she absolutely loved her job as a nurse because her passion always is to help others, and heal where possible. Alice’s nursing career ended only a few years ago due to her own medical health, she was physically unable to carry on. Spirit told Alice at this time, to wipe your tears away, because it is time to now work solely with us, and spread your mediumship far and wide on the teachings to everyone, “there is no death”, give proof to this, by serving our teachings to you to serve and help others heal with evidential mediumship. So instead of working for spirit world part-time it now became full-time and Alice feels truly blessed to be able to do this, with such love and pride. She also enjoys writing Spiritual Poetry!
Alice is founder & President of her own spiritual church in Scotland, called Sparkle of Light Spiritual Church which holds weekly church services, mediumship demonstrations, healing, development circles and workshops. Alice is also passionate about helping others to grow in their mediumship and spiritual development. Currently all services and instruction are held online, enhancing Spiritual Global Communication.
Alice has also supported numerous charitable causes through her church fundraising events helping children with cancer, women with miscarriage and still birth, homelessness in Scotland, Scotland vs arthritis, and Alzheimers Charity Foundation to name a few.
Sparkle of Light Spiritual Church:
Sparkle of Light Spiritual Medium and Psychic:
Sparkle of light Spiritual Mediums and Psychic Advertising Group:
Musician/Singer: Elliot Martinez and Gretchen Almond
Elliot Martinez is a talented singer/songwriter/guitarist with music in his DNA. He shares his original compositions as well as popular covers in a smooth tenor accompanied by soft acoustic guitar.He comes from a family of many musicians.He inherited his mother's love for singing as well as her strong faith in the Divine Spirit. Elliot released his first CD of original songs in 2017. He is currently working on writing for a second recording project. Originally from New England, Elliot now cals Southern California home.
Gretchen Almond is a well-seasoned "triple threat" veteran of musical theater; starring as "Evita" and "Mary" in "Jesus Christ Superstar, to name only a few. Gretchen has entertained in cabarets, comedies, Shakespeare and opened for Joan Rivers for her night club act, "Nuts!" on Sunset Strip.For 18 years Gretchen has been the serenading, spiritual soloist at the Center of Spiritual Living O. C. in Mission Viejo. She is grateful to be a Melodious Storyteller, touching hearts and moving minds.
*Mediums are able to connect with your loved ones in spirit to bring forth messages of hope and healing. Evidential mediumship is focused on bringing forth information that you can validate from your loved ones.
Disclaimer: This is a group demonstration of mediumship. It is not the same as a private reading. Not everyone is guaranteed a message, however everyone will witness the truth of eternal life that is brought forth from the messages that are delivered.
Disclaimer: All events, classes, and services are for informational and entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for medical, psychological, financial, or any other professional advice or treatment. Registering for this event means you have read and understand this.
General Admission
This service is being offered at a unique ticket price as the host will be donating a portion of the proceeds to TEMA. TEMA works to recuse your girls from early childhood marriage and female genital mutilation, a practice that is still performed in some areas in Africa.
$20.00Sale ended